Tagged: white bread


South Australia’s Fritz and Sauce

Combining the sausage and the tomato sauce deadened the unique but subtle flavors of each a bit, but the combined flavor was good, and the butter kept the sandwich from being too dry. A solid combination, but nothing I’d rush to repeat.


‘Round the Corner, Marmalade

The final step includes adding sugar and bringing the marmalade to its setting point, somewhere just north of the boiling point of water. Of course where there is room for human error, I will find a way to make it.


Silly Brits, Fish Don’t Have Fingers

Fish finger sandwiches may be a classic comfort food in England–even chefs such as Jamie Oliver and Nigella Lawson list these sandwiches among their favorite guilty pleasures–but one man’s indulgence is another man’s indigestion.

Porilainen with sipuliteemakkara 7

Finnish Porilainen

Almost every English-language writeup online that I’ve found of the Finnish Porilainen sandwich–and there aren’t all that many, to be honest, but hey! we’re adding to that number–uses some form of the phrase “a...

My elaborate and hopefully distracting tray of fairy bread 1

Fairy Bread vs the Third Grade

Fairy bread is a party treat from the antipodes. Crit wrote about it once already–you can read her take here. They (she included, as our down-under correspondent) serve it at kids’ parties in Australia and...