Tagged: pickles


Nashville’s Hot Chicken Sandwich

The spice mix hit my sweet spot, hot enough that I felt it, that pain-high of a dish that’s good and hot, the clarity of thought that arises even as your nose runs and your eyes water up.


Dansk Pork: Flæskesteg Sandwiches

I’ve eaten three Flæskesteg sandwiches this week and I’ll probably have another for lunch tomorrow. It is as good a fast food sandwich as I think you’re likely to find.

Medianoche with plaintain chips and mojo 0


When I wrote about Cuban sandwiches nearly two years ago, I had this to say: The greatest thing though is that while getting the sandwich exactly correct can be a pain in the ass–not too many...


Happy Beefday To Me

There comes a time in one’s life when one has been putting off doing a thing or maybe even multiple things for a while, and then at some point one realizes how little time...


Beloved Bacon as a Sandwich

So we’ve got our toes firmly dipped in the vast ocean that is The List over here at Sandwich Tribunal, and while this isn’t the first List-related writeup, this does happen to be a...