Tagged: peanut butter

Strawberry Uncrustable 2

“Sealed Crustless” sandwiches

This is a joke, right? I’m not asking if it’s a joke because I don’t think it’s a sandwich. These are not pies, baked from a doughy state with the PB&J in the middle....

Peanut butter and jelly sandwich 1

Peanut Butter Jelly Thoughts

Peanut butter and jelly sandwiches are not something I spend a lot of time thinking about. Uniquely American, they are the food of many an American childhood.To an average doughy midwestern schmuck like me,...

Strawberry Fool's Gold Loaf 0

Fool’s Gold Loaf

I am not a particularly well-off man, financially speaking. I do OK. I make enough to feed a family of 5 pretty well, which is definitely an accomplishment these days. But you’re always looking to...

Fried Peanut Butter and Banana Sandwich a la Mary Jenkins Langston 1

The Elvis–King of Sandwiches?

In the (pretty definitive) conclusion of his Hitchhiker’s Guide series, Mostly Harmless, Douglas Adams’ character Arthur Dent escaped his menial-but-largely-satisfying existence as Sandwich Maker to a stone age tribe by capturing and riding a Perfectly Normal Beast to...

January Breakfast Sandwiches 1

A Month of Breakfast Sandwiches

We ran into this issue back in October with the Barbecue sandwich. “Breakfast” is not a sandwich. It’s a category. It’s a sandwich you have for breakfast, simple as that. The Wikipedia article is referring...

The seven British Rail sandwiches of doom 12

The British Rail Sandwich

One of you cats is quite the joker. How does a British cultural reference that’s 20 years out of date end up on the List of Sandwiches that I had, until now, presumed were meant...


Not technically a sandwich, perhaps.

My lunch consisted of some sourdough rye, lightly toasted and spread with butter and peanut butter, then topped with kimchi on one slice and sugar&cinnamon on the other. The second, I already knew to...