Feeding a Crowd: the Iron Range’s Porketta
After hours in the oven the roast fell apart, shredding easily into flavorful, aromatic strands of meat, coated with fat and gelatin, sweet and pungent from garlic and fennel.
After hours in the oven the roast fell apart, shredding easily into flavorful, aromatic strands of meat, coated with fat and gelatin, sweet and pungent from garlic and fennel.
In December, the Tribunal will feature Philadelphia’s Roast Pork sadnwich, the Pit Beef of Baltimore, and Porketta from the Iron Range of Minnesota
We had some good times, didn’t we June? OK, OK, I’ll admit. Your sandwiches were… not my favorite. It was interesting to learn how to make homemade phyllo pastry for stuffing into the Macedonian...
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