Tagged: barbecue

Pulled pork sandwich with coleslaw, mac & cheese, greens 0

How Do I Pulled Pork

This far into a project like this, trying all the sandwiches on Wikipedia’s big List of Sandwiches, we’re running into so many variations on a theme, or even outright repeats. Nearly 4 years ago,...


Barbecue Sandwiches, Good & Bad

Before I get into talking about the subject at hand, let me begin with a mea culpa: it has indeed been quite a while since I posted to the Sandwich Tribunal, and you’d be...


A (Barbecue) Masterpiece In KC

Barbecue is a many splendor thing. From the vinegary tang of the Carolinas to the smokey brisket of Texas, to the dry rubs and hickory smoke of Memphis, to the sweet and spicy meat...