Obložené chlebíčky
Don’t ask me how to pronounce the name of this sandwich. I have asked my linguist son Damian multiple times to say it for me, and he (not a fluent Czech speaker but with...
Don’t ask me how to pronounce the name of this sandwich. I have asked my linguist son Damian multiple times to say it for me, and he (not a fluent Czech speaker but with...
I used to say that a great sandwich starts with great bread. I’ve since qualified that. A great sandwich starts with the right bread. For some sandwiches, a great bread detracts from the experience. For...
The Wikipedia List of Sandwiches (all hail!), source of our inspiration, has this to say about naan sandwiches: The Naan sandwich link redirects to the main page for Naan. The nation of origin listed is...
Hi everyone! We’re wrapping up October’s sandwiches here at the Sandwich Tribunal, and what a month it was, despite that last sandwich being less than thrilling. Mindy and I went to Montreal and had...
Search the internet for mentions of Chicago’s Mother-in-law sandwich, a cheap mass-produced tamale on a bun with chili, and the results you find will likely mention one of two different places (or both of...
Like the Montreal-style smoked meat we’ve covered this month, Mortadella bears great similarities to another more familiar product. This time, it’s bologna. Like bologna, Mortadella is a forcemeat, or an emulsion of very finely...
A Montreal-style smoked meat sandwich is… Well, it’s a pastrami on rye. That’s minimizing of course. It’s a cured smoked piece of beef similar to pastrami, though the spice rub used is different (they...
Montaditos are a type of small-plate, open-faced Spanish sandwich. Like tapas, they are often served with drinks, sometimes as a complimentary snack (to help you keep drinking!) There’s no specific recipe. It’s simply a...
If you live in America and are of a certain age, you’ve probably seen a Monte Cristo on a menu at some point of your life. It’s a type of American diner variant of...
Molletes are a Mexican antojito or snack, often eaten during breakfast hours. They’re a form of melt, made with bolillo rolls, refried beans, and cheese. They’re served in Mexico at cafes, cafeterias, even McDonalds. Here...
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