Category: The List

Shooter's sandwich 1

I Made a Shooter’s Sandwich

I’m trying to pinpoint when I first heard about the near-mythical Shooter’s Sandwich. It was years ago, decades… perhaps it was the 1996 episode of Two Fat Ladies, in which the late Jennifer Paterson...

My steak shuco 1

The Guatemalan Shuco

Shuco is a Guatemalan street food. The word itself means “dirty” in Guatemalan Spanish. When it comes to the food, I don’t believe the name “dirty” means that it’s nasty or undesirable, but rather...

Beef shawarma wrap from Kabob-Q 0

My Shawarma

Fast casual Mediterranean restaurants are a growing niche, both in the Chicago area and around the country. (Or around the world–there is in fact a small chain in Dubai that shares a name with...

Hmong sausage banh mi 2

Sausage Sandwiches

The entry on the Wikipedia List of Sandwiches describing Sausage sandwiches lists the origin as the UK and Germany, and describes them thus: “Sausage on a roll or bread, served with a variety of...

Strawberry Uncrustable 2

“Sealed Crustless” sandwiches

This is a joke, right? I’m not asking if it’s a joke because I don’t think it’s a sandwich. These are not pies, baked from a doughy state with the PB&J in the middle....

Sandwiches de Miga from Buenos Aires Deli 10

Argentina’s Sandwiches de Miga

I can’t help that they come to me Sandwiches de Miga “Sandwiches de Miga” by Pappo’s Blues as translated by Damian Behymer Last month we talked about Argentina’s cuisine, the focus on the style...