Category: The List

One day in August of 2014, a few of us had the crazy idea to eat every sandwich in the Wikipedia List of Sandwiches and write a blog about them. THESE are those sandwiches. THIS is The List.


Regional RBs: Maryland’s Pit Beef

Pit beef tasting of charcoal fire, piled high, succulent and savory, punctuated by the pungent crispness of onion and the sinus-singeing horseradish sting, well-enveloped by a bread roll that was just sturdy enough to contain this mess


The Canteen in Aberdeen: Pheasant Sandwiches

The vegetables provided plenty of crunch, and the sweet/sour of the pickle relish helped bring out the pleasantly assertive flavor of the pheasant. More mayo wouldn’t be unwelcome–but it would be unnecessary.


Utah’s Pastrami Burger

The fry sauce is a bit sweeter than a Russian dressing but has more zip than Thousand Island; it works with the pastrami, the American cheese, the burger patty, even the pickles and onion slices–it ties the sandwich together.