Category: Non-Sandwich Content

Lately there have been some topics that aren’t necessarily…. 100% sandwichy. Like a head-to-head mild sauce tasting, or a rice-and-beans dish Jim’s been dreaming about for 25 years, or Jim’s family’s annual Labor Day Hog Roast. Why limit ourselves to sandwiches? I mean, besides the obvious.


More Photos of Tractors and Corn

30-some-odd years ago, Ronnie came into our lives. He’s my stepfather, my mom’s third husband, the father of my sister Ali. I was, technically, an adult* when Mom and Ronnie married, and not sure...


These Beans are a Time Machine

Dinner was a Peruvian dish, a pancake of rice and beans fried in a pan until crisp, that I only recently Googled and learned was called Tacu-tacu. It was served with a thin grilled steak, and there was a dish in the middle of the table with some kind of salsa. The salsa appeared to be finely chopped chilies and not much else.


Mild Sauce, Fried Hard

Mild sauce, though, is a west side and a south side phenomenon in Chicago. Served at a variety of establishments–fish and shrimp houses, chicken shacks, barbecue joints, sandwich shops, basically any place where you can order fried foods down to and including French fries–mild sauce has been a favorite at restaurants serving African-American neighborhoods since the 1950s. There, it is ubiquitous.