August List Sandwiches and July Wrapup

Welcome once again to a new month, Tribunal fans! It’s August, and with the new month comes a new set of sandwiches for the Tribunal to explore. It’s always an exciting time, and there are some interesting sandwiches ahead in August! But as always, let’s first take a look back at the sandwiches we wrote about in July!

In July, first we turned our gaze to a flatbread called lahmacun popular in eastern Europe and western Asia. It is sometimes called Turkish pizza, or Armenian pizza, or Bulgarian pizza, but the main feature it shares with pizza is that it’s delicious! Next, we made Lorne sausage, a type of square sausage eaten as a breakfast meat in Scotland, and not only made sandwiches with it but also a full Scottish breakfast. Finally, we closed out July with a piece on the Chicago cultural and historical touchstone known as Maxwell Street, exploring both the market and the style of serving Polish sausage sandwiches that bear its name. Not sure how it took us so long to cover Maxwell Street, since we’ve been eating those Polish sausages for 30 years, but we’re so happy to have finally do it!

And now, our August sandwiches!

In August the Tribunal will attempt to recreate a French street food derived from North African cuisine, the Merguez Frites sandwich! Spicy sausage, fries, and a baguette sounds like a good time to most people, so I see no problems here. Staying for the moment on the North African theme, we’ll also be exploring a Tunisian flatbread called Mlawi, which is often stuffed with many of the same ingredients we’ve seen in a few other Tunisian sandwiches we’ve covered. A spicy tuna wrap doesn’t sound so terrible to us either! Finally, the Tribunal will be trying its hand at yet another Surinamese dish served as a sandwich in the Netherlands called Moksi Meti. We suppose the sandwich might more properly be called “Broodje Moksi Meti” but work with us here, we want to try it!

Some very tasty looking things will be happening in the month ahead! We hope you’ll come back and read all about them!

Changes to the List

Wikipedia list

All edits to the Wikipedia list in July have been housecleaning & syntax issues. No new sandwiches have been added, nor any removed.

Our List

  • We did add something new to our list of potential items for phase 4: Rolex, a Ugandan breakfast wrap.

Sandwich Tribunal

The idea behind this site is to explore the nature of sandwichness by eating every sandwich on the Official List of Sandwiches and then to post here about it, preferably with lots of pictures and also words. Sandwich words.

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