May List Sandwiches and April Wrapup

Hello, Tribunal friends, and welcome to a new month! May the First be with you–that doesn’t really work, but I can’t wait until the Fourth to tell you about the new sandwiches we’ll be covering this month. But I do have to wait until I recap the sandwiches we tried in April, so let’s do that.

In April, the Tribunal tackled St. Louis’ Hot Salami sandwich, a sandwich that had flown under Jim’s radar for decades despite all the time he spent in St. Louis earlier in life. It’s a terrific sandwich featuring a very specific local product that isn’t seen much if at all outside of St. Louis, so try one if you make it there! Next, we looked into a Chinese street food called Jianbing, a sort of stuffed crepe with so many flavors and textures that it made our heads spin. It’s definitely worth trying if you have the opportunity! Finally, we tried our hand at making the Finnish fish pie Kalakukko. This one, maybe you should leave to the experts, but by all means if you find yourself in Finland, give it a shot!

So it was an interesting month all told. Now let’s see what’s coming up in May!

In May the Tribunal will try to replicate the Iranian Sāndevich-e Kālbās, which features mortadella with tomato and lettuce in a baguette-like roll. Sounds simple, but we’re bound to run into a twist or two along the way. Next we’ll be looking into the Indian Kathi Roll (or Kati Roll), a type of wrap originating in Kolkata. Indian foods are always a treat to research! And lucky us, we’ll also be trying our hand at Keema Pav, a spicy meat sauce served in, or with soft pav bread rolls.

There’s a lot to look forward to this month, so come back and see how we do!

Changes to the List

Wikipedia List

The only real change to the wikipedia list in April was the addition of the Peruvian Butifarra sandwich, a sandwich that we wrote about in the summer of 2020. No need for us to make a fuss about that

Our List

Anybody who cares to can take a look at the potential Phase 4 sandwiches we posted at the bottom of our Schedule page–we are currently reserving additional sandwiches for a new run through the alphabet. If you have any ideas for additional Phase 4 sandwiches, get in touch!

Sandwich Tribunal

The idea behind this site is to explore the nature of sandwichness by eating every sandwich on the Official List of Sandwiches and then to post here about it, preferably with lots of pictures and also words. Sandwich words.

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