August List Sandwiches and July Wrapup

Welcome to August 2020 my fellow sandwich enthusiasts! August 21st marks the 6th anniversary since the founding of the Tribunal, our 5-year mission is officially over, and yet there are more sandwiches out there to try! We have another 3 on our List for this month, but first, let’s talk about what we ate in July!

Last month we started strong with the Bokit from Guadeloupe in the French Caribbean, a fried Johnnycake style bread stuffed with various different ingredients, and we didn’t find one we didn’t like! We also had the Peruvian Butifarra, a pork sandwich livened by the bright color and flavor of their incredible salsa criolla! Finally, we tried Milwaukee’s Cannibal sandwich, a combination of raw ground beef and onions on rye. Additionally, Crit popped in to tell us about a delicious combination she tried, and Jim revisited a Peruvian meal of his past. Once again, July was a great month for the Tribunal. Now let’s look at what we have coming up in August!

The Caprese sandwich is a bready take on the salad of the same name, a delicious combination of fresh mozzarella, tomatoes, and basil leaves. Since August means delicious local tomatoes, it’s the perfect time to try this! Next is the Russian Caviar sandwich, a simple combination of roe and buttered bread. Finally we’ll be eating Ćevapĉići, a highly seasoned mix of ground beef formed by hand into sausage-like shapes and grilled, then served wrapped in flatbread with red pepper sauce and onions. I’ve been looking forward to this one for a long time. August is going to be a great month!

Changes to the List

On first glance, it didn’t appear that there were a large number of edits to the Wikipedia List during July. However, one editor made a *large* number of changes, adding items that appeared in the Wikipedia article List of American Sandwiches but not in the overall List of Sandwiches, and we ended up having quite a bit of movement since last month. Here’s the basic rundown:

  • The Bulka that nearly threw a wrench into our system last month was removed again.
  • Bologna sandwich was added. Had it left? We covered that early on in our run
  • Something called a “Cheese Dream” was added. Sounds fantastic. We’re looking into it and will likely add it to our list as well. It’ll come up soon if we do
  • The Chow Mein sandwich was readded. We covered it already and have the similar Chop Suey sandwich coming up in a month or two.
  • The Elvis sandwich was added. I believe we have covered it extensively, including our own unique spin on it the “Elvis in Hawaii” with SPAM.
  • The TLT sandwich that we covered last year was removed.
  • Something called Turkey Devonshire was added. It appears to be a Pittsburgh take along the Louisville Hot Brown / St. Louis Prosperity Sandwich vein–an umami bomb with lots of bacon, tomato, and melted cheese. Can’t wait!
  • Veggie burger was added. OK, valid point, let’s give this its due, veggie burgers deserve a spot on the List.

That’s a lot of changes to process, and a few new sandwiches to add! We’ll get them in there. On top of that, we’re not exactly sure when this month’s Caviar sandwich was added–it kind of snuck up on us! Looks like it was added in March of 2018 and we missed it. Well, we can adjust, and if we have to eat caviar we will! Oh the things we do for you, our readers.

Sandwich Tribunal

The idea behind this site is to explore the nature of sandwichness by eating every sandwich on the Official List of Sandwiches and then to post here about it, preferably with lots of pictures and also words. Sandwich words.

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