August sandwiches and July wrapup

July was a little sparse in terms of the list; I covered all three our sandwiches but we didn’t see a post from anybody else. They were really good, too. The Choripán gave me a chance to make some great sausage, and it came with a surprise bonus sandwich in the Morcipán. The Chow Mein sandwich was surprisingly great, and the Churrasco was an excuse to eat way too many steak sandwiches. In addition to those, we also saw some great non-List posts from Brian about the fallout from last year’s closing of Hot Doug’s. So overall it was a successful month.

Let’s see what’s coming up for us in August


There’s the club sandwich, and it’s great timing for this one, since it relies on excellent tomatoes almost as much as a BLT does, and August is tomato season around here. There’s the corned beef sandwich, which I am definitely looking forward to, though I don’t feel there’s much mystery there to be explored. And… oh god. It’s here. I’ve been dreading this day. The crisp sandwich. Look at that thumbnail. They’ve got peanut butter and pickles on that thing. I’m gonna ralph.

OK guys. Let’s see if we can get a few more posts in this month. Anybody out there who wants to write about one of these sandwiches, let us know in the comments. Somebody’s gotta have something to say about the crisp sandwich at least, I’d think. Also, we’re coming up on our 1-year anniversary this month. We registered the site on August 21st, 2014, so we’ve officially been doing this for a year as of this month. Hooray for us! Let’s kick this month’s ass!


Edit: I guess this would be a good space to bring up the major changes that have happened to The List since the last time I made an accounting. Just in brief:

  • June 28th, 2015, taco was removed from The List. It will remain in our schedule.
  • July 1st, 2015, Sailor Sandwich was added to The List. It will be added to our schedule.
  • July 8th, 2015, hot dog was added back to The List. It was almost immediately removed. It will remain in our schedule.


Sandwich Tribunal

The idea behind this site is to explore the nature of sandwichness by eating every sandwich on the Official List of Sandwiches and then to post here about it, preferably with lots of pictures and also words. Sandwich words.

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4 Responses

  1. Sue says:

    Hi Jim it’s me English Steve’s mum I love reading all about the trials and tribulations you encounter when testing all the many kinds of sandwiches:) I loved reading about the Chip Butty (a personal favourite) but I did not get the post and Steve forwarded it to me later. It was very weird because I’ve got all the other posts no problem! So I didn’t comment because it seemed too late:/ It’s a sandwich to eat when you feel a little down it always makes me feel happy:) anyway looking forward to reading about your endeavors with the crisp sandwich ( I don’t like crisps much ) but my brother in the UK used to eat loads of them:/ keep up the good work it’s very entertaining!!

    • Jim says:

      Hi Sue, always nice to hear from you. Sorry if I didn’t do the chip butty justice 🙂 I’ll try with the crisp sandwich but I am not optimistic. I have an idea of how to approach it anyway. You should definitely look for Crit’s post on the topic, since she’s more of a fan.

  2. mummy crit says:

    I’ll do something crisp related I’m sure. Sorry I fell down last month.

    • Jim says:

      Hey Crit, no worries, hope you are able to cover this one as I’m not sure it’ll get the most favorable treatment from me 🙂

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