Let’s talk about the List, and the Format

We’ll start slow–I don’t expect us to do our first “The List” posts until let’s say the first week in September. Maybe we’ll do 2 sets in September and see how that goes, ramp up after that.

Here are the first 3 sandwiches from the list:


We can have as many people participate as are willing, but at least 3–we’ll each pick one of these sandwiches and do a post about it.

Now for example, bacon sandwich, that’s pretty easy. Bacon on bread, boom. Done. So put some thought into it. Make it as fancy as you can, or as ridiculous as you can. Tell a story about trying to order a “bacon butty” at McDonald’s. Get some brown sauce from an international grocery and end up digressing into a rant about Vegemite or Marmite. Something. Get a little color into it.

Bacon egg & cheese, again, that’s pretty plain. Hell, I ate one for breakfast this morning. You can get one at any fast food place. So get one at every fast food place instead and compare them head-to-head vis-a-vis taste, calories, weight, aerodynamic properties, etc. Or make an unholy amalgam of them all. Or eat bacon egg and cheese sandwiches every meal for a week. Or invert/deconstruct the bacon egg and cheese sandwich by making a bread omelet. I don’t know, I’m spitballing here.

I think the baked beans sandwich looks gross but hey, this could be the money shot for the first round. Have I mentioned that I just am not a fan at all of baked beans? I don’t have a lot of ideas for this one that don’t involve, wow, this sandwich looks like it’s going to suck, and we’re going to eat it. But somebody somewhere must like it. Maybe it will be more than the sum of its gloppy, too-sweet parts. Maybe somebody you know is an expert on baked bean sandwiches and can tell you the entire history of them dating back to Colonial days. There are opportunities for creativity in any one of these sandwiches.

Other participants can pick whichever sandwich they want and write it up also, as long as people working the same sandwich coordinate with each other so they’re not doing the same schtick. Or if they are doing the same schtick, at least they can make it look like they planned it that way.

So what do you guys think? If you haven’t signed up for the site yet, shame on you. I’ve had spam registrations already and you haven’t gotten around to it, lazypants. Please comment with any thoughts you have about the proposed format, or any ideas you have for improving it. Or any unique ideas you might have about my ancestry. Whatever. Let’s just get the ball rolling here, alright?


Sandwich Tribunal

The idea behind this site is to explore the nature of sandwichness by eating every sandwich on the Official en.wikipedia.org List of Sandwiches and then to post here about it, preferably with lots of pictures and also words. Sandwich words.

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8 Responses

  1. ElJosharino says:

    Are we shooting to do the list in order, or close to it? I eat a fair number of Reubens and a shit load of sausage sandwiches, should I just wait until we get to that point in the list to write those up, or throw ’em in whenever?

  2. Jim says:

    Posts about random sandwiches are totally OK. We’ll do the list in order, but I expect random sandwich posts to make up a pretty good percentage of what we’re doing. Once you get to the step of making a post, there are 3 post categories currently. The List, Random Sandwiches, and Site Discussion. Please post as many random sandwiches as you want! 🙂

  3. AndrewTSKS says:

    So I have a can of baked beans that has been sitting around for a couple of months and I hereby volunteer to take one for the team and attempt a baked beans sandwich. I guess I’ll give this a shot over the weekend and take a bunch of crappy pics with my iPhone.

  4. Crit says:

    I am all about the baked beans. I have a slab that I bought from Costco a couple of weeks ago. I’ll probably end up posting baked beans toasties pics, or various other toasted sandwiches, as that’s the main form of sandwich that I make…

  5. Crit says:

    Yes! I will do this! Hey, while I’m here..I can’t comment when I’m on my phone, but I can’t figure out why…

  1. September 3, 2014

    […] having a can of baked beans in my pantry from two or three months ago. We were talking about The List and I said, “I need an excuse to eat these goddamn baked beans, so I’ll make a baked […]

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